What We Offer
We offer free and confidential pregnancy and mentoring services to all of our clients. Our team of volunteers are committed to providing gentle service and factual information to every woman in need of our services. We provide accurate information on fetal development, adoption, abortion procedures/risks, parenting, and premarital abstinence. We help women carry their babies to term by providing emotional support and practical assistance.

24-hour helpline 806.354.2244
Free pregnancy testing & Sonograms
Information on pregnancy, adoption, & abortion
Maternity clothing, baby clothing, diapers, & formula
Parenting Classes
Dad Classes (24/7 & Dr. Dad)
Childbirth & Baby Safety classes
Premarital workshop
Post-Abortion Support Group
Classes We Offer
The following classes are free and open to the public.

Childbirth Class
Our monthly childbirth classes are led by a local pediatrician and certified childbirth instructor. Class includes childbirth techniques, labor coping, post-care, breastfeeding, and bible study.
A layette basket containing a variety of new baby items is earned by attending all of the classes. Contact us at 806.354.2288 or classes@hopechoice.com.

Parenting Class
Parenting class meets on Tuesday nights 6 pm – 7:30 pm at Center City (1501 S. Taylor). Free childcare is provided for children under five. The class consists of four rotating sessions. We use James Dobson’s video curriculum and facilitate discussion between videos.
Those interested do not need to reserve a spot, just show up on Tuesday! For questions about our parenting class, contact us at 806.350.7584 or classes@hopechoice.com.

Model Man
Our monthly Model Man classes are part of the childbirth series. Upon completion of the program, each father will gain the ability to respond to the immediate needs of his child, quickly and confidently respond to medical emergencies, and other enhanced parenting skills.
For more information, contact us at 806.354.2288 or classes@hopechoice.com.

Baby Safety
Monthly baby safety classes include information on basic baby care and car seat installation/use. The first portion of the class is taught by a local pediatrician. The second portion is taught by a child development specialist.
At the end of baby safety class, participants will take home a new car seat. To register for the class, contact us at 806.350.7584 or classes@hopechoice.com.

New Dawn Groups
Through the New Dawn Post-Abortion Recovery Ministry, experience freedom, as well as God’s love and forgiveness. This ministry serves those who are experiencing emotional turmoil after an abortion.
If you are hurting or want more information, please contact us. Contact us at 806.354.2288 or support@hopechoice.com.

HOPE for Women
Our Hope for Women Bible study provides connection, encouragement, and accountability. The class takes place on Tuesdays at our Center City Branch (1501 S. Taylor).
Free childcare is provided for children under five years. For information on current session dates, contact us at 806.354.2288 or classes@hopechoice.com.

Premarital Workshop
The Premarital Workshop is offered three times a year and helps prepare couples for marriage. The workshop offers tools to promote communication within the marriage.
Participants receive a certificate after completing the workshop to purchase a marriage license at a $60 discount. For information, contact us at 806.354.2288 or classes@hopechoice.com.
Volunteer at Hope Choice
Do you have a heart for helping women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy? Or would you like to use your organizational skills to help us sort and prepare baby items for our clients? Please contact us at 806.354.2288 or support@hopechoice.com for more information about volunteering with us!
Volunteer Today
Have Some Questions?
Below are some frequently asked questions.
Is abortion the right option for me?
We aim to provide the services and support women need to help them with their choice. With assistance, compassion and care, we believe every woman can be empowered to choose life, whether through parenting or placing for adoption.
Why do people decide to have an abortion?
Millions of women face unplanned pregnancies every year, and about 4 out of 10 of them decide to get an abortion. If you are facing this difficult decision, you are not alone. Some women choose to have an abortion because they feel there are no other options available to them. This may be due to financial difficulty, age, living situation, or more.
What should I consider?
Deciding on whether or not to have an abortion is a difficult decision that should not be taken lightly. The effects of abortion are permanent and life-altering, so we encourage women to take their time and learn about their options.
Does Hope Choice refer or perform abortions?
At Hope Choice, we do not refer or perform abortions. Abortion may feel like the only option for some women, and we’re here to help those women understand there are other options available to them. Choosing hope is choosing life. If you are in need of support, please view our services. They are free and open to the public.